Have health / hospital problems? No problem! when MedAlert is there!

MedAlert helps alerting the hospitals regarding the status of the patient, ex: how critical they are, if rooms are full or not etc. it will also help contact the nearest ambulance


Emergency Help? We're here!

Relax! Don't panic, if it's an emergency, being in panic mode will only make the matters worse, dial the national emergency number asap, and click the emergency button to get the ambulance, the fastest from your nearest hospital, there is!

Hospital help? We're here!

We're here to help you with the hospital management, we'll alert the designated staff members for the rooms that will be used for specific types of patients using ai/ml already, and you use AI to allocate patients room with snaps!
patient cruciality

Patient status? We're here!

The website will help the user by using ml to check how critical the patient is, alert the staff, make the room prepared which will be needed by just taking a picture when the patient enters in, or preparing the environment, or alerting if the medicine isn't available in that centre, thanks to AI!